How it Works - briefly
Visualyse Coordinate automates the process of assessing the compatibility of a satellite earth station with all potential sharing services.
Throughout the guide we will refer to ‘Assessments’ as the top-level function of Visualyse Coordinate – an Assessment includes all the analysis needed for a given earth station. An Assessment is the equivalent to a document in an application like Microsoft Word.
An Assessment can be created with very few user inputs in Visualyse Coordinate because there are many parameters that are assigned sensible default values by the software.
Parameter values are edited in a region of the application that we call the ‘Sidebar’ (refer to the layout shown here).
The Sidebar includes up to four tabs that define parameters relating to Earth Station location, transmit and receive parameters and the associated satellite system. You can get started without reference to any of these tabs and then work through the parameters in any sequence, updating your data to more accurately reflect your system.