Display parameters for EPFD(down)
The parameters that can be displayed for EPFD(down) runs are shown below. Note that, with the exception of the location information, these parameters are displayed for each nonGSO satellite that is visible to the GSO Earth station.
Parameter | Description |
Elevation angle | The elevation angle of a non-GSO satellite from the GSO associated Earth station. |
Alpha angle | The GSO angle Alpha between a nonGSO satellite, the GSO associated Earth station and the GSO arc. |
X angle | The GSO angle X between the GSO associated Earth station, a non-GSO satellite and the GSO arc. |
Off axis angle | The angle between the line from the GSO Earth station to the GSO satellite and the line from the GSO Earth station to a nonGSO satellite. |
Delta longitude | The difference in longitude between the nonGSO sub-satellite point and the point on the GSO arc which gives the minimum X or Alpha angle. |
Elevation of ES from nonGSO | The elevation angle of the GSO associated Earth station from a nonGSO satellite. |
Azimuth of ES from nonGSO | The azimuth angle of the GSO associated Earth station from a nonGSO satellite. |
Planar angle | The angle used in combination with the Off axis angle to determine the gain at the GSO associated Earth station in the direction of the nonGSO satellite for the BSS antenna pattern. (only applies to BSS runs) |
Name | The name of each satellite and Earth station. |
Latitude, Longitude and Height above the Earth | The latitude, longitude and height above the Earth of each satellite and the GSO associated Earth station. |
Indicate when the nonGSO is in the exclusion zone | Provides an indication of whether a nonGSO satellite is inside the GSO exclusion zone. The words "Inside Exclusion Zone" are printed in red next to a non-GSO satellite when inside the zone. |
Relative Gain at the Earth Station | The relative gain at the GSO associated Earth station in the direction of a nonGSO satellite. |
PFD | The PFD from a nonGSO satellite. |
EPFD | The EPFD contribution from a nonGSO satellite as a result of adding the PFD to the receive gain at the GSO associated Earth Station. |
Indicate if an EPFD contribution is included in the calculation | Displays "EPFD Contributes" in blue for each non-GSO satellite whose EPFD is included in the calculation. Only a certain number of EPFDs are included in the total. This is determined by the maximum number of non-GSO satellites which service a point on the ground at any one time (a characteristic of the non-GSO system) |
Total EPFD at the Earth Station | Total calculated EPFD at the GSO associated Earth station for the current time step. |