Changing Time Settings
The Software Specification gives algorithms for calculation of the required time step and the total number of time steps. There is also reference to a ‘coarse time step’ that can be used whenever the nonGSO is sufficiently far away from either the GSO main beam or the exclusion zone (see D.3.3.1 of the Software Specification)
The use of coarse and fine time steps (dual time step mode) is optional in Rec. ITU-R S.1503.
The time settings can also be changed from the default, calculated values if required.
To change the time settings:
Select Time Settings from the Run menu or click the Time Settings button on the toolbar.

The total number of time steps can be changed. The fine time step size in minutes, seconds and milliseconds can be defined. Dual time step mode can be switched on and off and the coarse time step can be defined as a multiple of the fine time step.

For the EPFD validation, the time step size and number must be left at the default values.