Visualyse GSO Maintenance History

This document describes the changes that have been made to Visualyse GSO for each maintenance release. If an existing feature has been modified, or a new feature has been added, information on how to use it can be found in the online user guide. To access this, select User Guide from the Help menu within the application.

Release (May/2024)

The following changes have been made:

  • Increase number of D.P used in Overlap List / Coordination Trigger if required.

Release (April/2024)

The following changes have been made:

  • Fix issue where a file is loaded that hasn’t completed the analysis and the DB is no longer available.
  • Add entry in Help menu for new online User Guide.

Release (April/2024)

The following changes have been made:

  • Fix issue where ShapedBm would complain if RefDB was setup.
  • Re-init GIMS/ShapedBm if the user changes GIMS DB.

Release (March/2024)

The following changes have been made:

  • Add extra error checking for GIMS setup.

Release (March/2024)

The following changes have been made:

  • Add a setting to allow the user to specify the ITU GIMS Reference Database to use.

Release (February/2024)

The following changes have been made:

  • By default, order the My Networks list by name.
  • Remember sort order on My Networks when adding/importing or duplicating networks.
  • Fix issue where network added to My Networks then instantly deleted -> list not being updated.

Release (February/2024)

The following changes have been made:

  • Fix possible startup issue on x64 version when database drivers aren’t installed.

Release (February/2024)

The following changes have been made:

  • Fix possible locale issue with GXT files.
  • Revise Lat/Long format to be 3.4 when exporting GXT files.
  • Ensure COHeader information is preserved when doing import then export of GXT files.

Release (January/2024)

The following changes have been made:

  • Fix possible drawing issue with Overlap Diagram.

Release (January/2024)

The following changes have been made:

  • Fix possible issue with losing connection to DK2 Network Server when PC goes to sleep.
  • Handle DK2 HID devices.
  • Add sorting to the My Networks dialog.
  • Add ntf_rsn to My Networks dialog.
  • Allow the My Networks dialog to be resized.
  • Fix DPI issue on the Coordination Check progress dialog.
  • If there’s an error importing a network, then rollback (delete) any partial DB changes.
  • Fix cursor issue on Detailed Coordination Calculations window.

Release (November/2023)

The following changes have been made:

  • Fix scrolling on Select Networks Filter Box.
  • Add mouse scroll to Select Networks Filter Box.

Release (October/2023)

The following changes have been made:

  • Check software licence status before attempting any database migration actions.
  • Improve GIMS error handling dialog with clickable link to PDF with steps to connect Visualyse GSO to GIMS.

Release (July/2023)

The following changes have been made:

  • Allow Non-GSO networks to be added to “My Networks”.
  • Alter “Select Networks” dialog to allow filtering on GSO and Non-GSO.
  • Add option to remember filters used in “Select Networks” dialog.
  • Upgrade internal database to V9.1 format. Please note: that due to the nature of this change we advise, where possible, for you to delete then re-import your Networks into “My Networks”.
  • Show ntf_rsn when presenting a list of networks in a dialog.
  • Add Notice Type (GSO/NGSO) to Trigger view.
  • Network List: Add Notice ID/Type to Edit/Copy.
  • Revise Network List Edit/Copy for Non-GSO.
  • Upgrade reports to .docx format.
  • Add Notice Type (GSO/NGSO) to reports.
  • Fix issue in Detailed Coordination when adding then removing various filters.
  • Revise splitter handling at startup.
  • Revise network filtering logic in some scenarios.

Release (July/2023)

The following changes have been made:

  • Revise install program.

Release (July/2023)

The following changes have been made:

  • Improve GIMS error handling.

Release (June/2023)

The following changes have been made:

  • Update installed DK2 DLL.

It is recommended all users install the latest DK2 device drivers (V8.22.26) from

Release (April/2023)

The following changes have been made:

  • Fix Export issue.

Release (February/2023)

The following changes have been made:

  • Add new Setting: "Show Update Dialog at Startup" so user can be informed of new version via Notifications only.
  • Add Notification for possible screen resolution issues.
  • Fix possible issues refreshing Notification List.

Release (February/2023)

The following changes have been made:

  • Fix possible issues importing from SRS V9.1 databases into My Networks.

Release (November/2022)

The following changes have been made:

  • Allow import from SRS V9.1 databases.

It is recommended all users install the latest DK2 device drivers (V8.20.21) from

Release (November/2022)

The following changes have been made:

  • Improve warning message when GIMS fails to open reference database.
  • Catch error when SRS hasn’t been linked correctly.
  • Warn that SRS V9.1 (beta) databases aren’t (currently) supported.
  • Fix display issue for NGSO coordination checks.
  • Fix DPI issues on Coordination Check dialog.

Release (October/2022)

The following changes have been made:

  • Fix version info display on Notifications View.

Release (October/2022)

The following changes have been made:

  • Fix possible display issue when “Display All” button is toggled from On to Off.
  • Fix units display issue in Constraints View in Detailed Coordination.
  • Performance improvements.

Release (July/2022)

The following changes have been made:

  • Add a search bar to the Application Title bar. This allows users to search the menu options.
  • Add a notification icon to the Application Title Bar. This displays a badge with the number of notifications. Clicking displays the Notifications View. At present this is used to display general application information (new software updates, DK2 driver updates etc).
  • Implemented Windows 11 Snap Layout. When the program is running on Windows 11 and the maximize/restore caption button is hovered, the layout popup menu will appear near this button.
  • Update installed DK2 DLL.

Release (January/2022)

The following changes have been made:

  • Improve scaling of UI components for Windows 10/11 scale factors of 125%, 175%, 225%

Release (August/2021)

The following changes have been made:

  • Install latest DK2 DLL.
  • Display DK2 driver version on About dialog.

It is recommended all users install the latest DK2 device drivers (V8.19.7) from

Release (March/2021)

The following changes have been made:

  • Install newer DK2 DLL.

Release (March/2021)

The following changes have been made:

  • Fix SQL error when using a specific set of Select Network filters.

Release (February/2021)

The following changes have been made:

  • Add “Display All” button to Interference Cases view in DC to toggle the display of All/Worst case. By default ALL cases are shown.
  • Resolve display issue with displaying values to high number of decimal places.

Release (January/2021)

The following changes have been made:

  • Revise GIMS error message to reference V13
  • Improve compatibility with APL.
  • Ensure all dialogs use same font.
  • When importing trim spurious whitespace.
  • Fix possible display issue in GSO coordination check.
  • Give more error information in event of issues in Edit Network dialog.
  • Fix possible issue saving srv_cls information in Edit Network dialog.
  • Export in V9 format.
  • Fix typos on Priority Map dialog.
  • Resolve issue invoking Priority Map following a coordination check.

Release (June/2020)

The following changes have been made:

  • Fix issue with loaded files in Visualyse GSO losing the selected item.
  • Rename “Carriers” in Detailed Coordination to “Emissions” to better reflect the SRS table the data maps to.
  • Show AMS date in long format to avoid day/month confusion.

Release (April/2020)

The following changes have been made:

  • Fix issue displaying the Edit Network dialog when invoked from Slot Finder / Priority Map.
  • Change button labels to “Save” / “Close” on Edit Network dialog to make their actions clearer.
  • Make the default button on the “Edit Network” dialog “Close”.
  • Add confirmation dialog when pressing “Save” on Edit Network dialog.

Release (April/2020)

The following changes have been made:

  • Fix issue with the Edit Network dialog that could possibly corrupt the C/N value in the database.

We advise customers delete then re-import their data into “My Networks” after installing this version.

Release (April/2020)

The following changes have been made:

  • Add missing section headers to the Settings and Defaults dialog.

Service Area Contours

Visualyse GSO can now extract Service Area contours from GIMS and display them via the “SA” button.

Release (February/2020)

The following changes have been made:

  • Add post WRC 2019 3bis coordination arc.
  • Add sort by LONGITUDE option to the Network List.
  • Improve the default sample data in My Networks / Sample IFIC.
  • Improve dialog feedback when deleting many items from My Networks.
  • Fix possible crash in Detailed Coordination.
  • Resolve possible copy operation failure in Slot Finder.
  • Show c_to_n value on Edit Network dialog.

Visualyse GSO x64

Visualyse GSO is now available in a 64-bit version. This can be useful in scenarios where the existing 32-bit version used a lot of RAM when performing the analysis. Note: a working installation of the x64 Access Database Engine is required to use this version.

Release (January/2020)

The following changes have been made:

  • Shaped Beam Editor can have redraw issues on some graphics cards.
  • Better handle scenario where user accidentally removes/renames/moves My Networks database.
  • Improve display of long entries in Import IFIC dialog.
  • Be less strict when validating a GXT file that has a missing ntc_id value.
  • Better abbreviate the display of large values.
  • On clean installs setup better default directories for various dialogs.

Release (January/2020)

The following changes have been made:

  • Shaped Beam Editor can crash if resized to a very small size.
  • Handle GXT import errors better.
  • Detailed Coordination can fail to update 3D View correctly after editing boresight location
  • Ensure all ES cases are displayed in Detailed Coordination.
  • Fix potential Import error when source Network has a large number of entries in the grp table.
  • Resolve bug when doing a Coordination Check using networks from different databases.

Release (December/2019)

The following changes have been made:

  • Fix issue loading GXT files in Detailed Coordination.

Release (December/2019)

The following changes have been made:

  • Revise number of decimal places used for display of frequency and ES location.
  • Fix issue when using filters in certain locales.

Release (December/2019)

The following changes have been made:

  • Fix possible resource leak in Shaped Beam Editor when using PC that uses software rendering (rather than the GPU).
  • Resolve possible issue with software when running on an (unpatched) version of Windows 7 SP1.
  • Fix possible crash when GIMS is not installed correctly.

Release (November/2019)

The following changes have been made:

  • Fix possible issue adding new networks to “My Networks”

Release (November/2019)

The following changes have been made:

  • If SHIFT is pressed when selecting an item to expand/collapse in the Overlap List it will apply the action to ALL items at that level.
  • Modify the Frequency | Is in the range filter to match the SpaceQry one.
  • Add missing high DPI cursors.
  • Update images used in installer for high DPI.

Release (November/2019)

The following changes have been made:

  • Ensure the CoordinationTrigger window is completely cleared when switching the selected item.
  • Improve the display of the filename when loading a Detailed Coordination file.
  • Improve performance when switching selected items/closing a file.
  • Use better cursors for high DPI displays.

Release (August/2019)

The following changes have been made:

  • Handle case where nat_srv in the srv_cls table is NULL.

Release (July/2019)

The following changes have been made:

  • Fix problems with display of priority dates and polarisation on the overlap diagram

Release (July/2019)

The following changes have been made:

  • Fix potential crash when displaying non-GSO data.
  • Improve display of data in Overlap List when non-GSO.

Release (June/2019)

The following changes have been made:

  • Thresholds based on Class can fail to load correctly from a saved file.
  • BR Publication data can fail to be displayed when loading from a saved file.
  • Add option to the New Coordination Check dialog to make explicit when Non-GSO are included in the check.

Release (June/2019)

The following changes have been made:

  • Edit | Copy can fail in some circumstance when copying from the Network List.

Release (June/2019)

The following changes have been made:

  • Prompt user for save location if the reports can’t be written to “My Documents”
  • Revise GIMS error message to reference V12.

Release (May/2019)

The following changes have been made:

  • Fix possible issue when Exporting from My Networks dialog.
  • Revise location of Word/Excel template documents to handle scenario where user has limited access to C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualyseGSOV3

Release (March/2019)

The following changes have been made:

  • Add better feedback when interacting with large networks in My Networks dialog.
  • Improve performance when editing/importing large networks.

Release (March/2019)

The following changes have been made:

  • Improve algorithm for spacing/size of labels in Shaped Beam Editor.
  • Improve GSO V2 windows sizing/position interoperability.
  • Minor performance improvements.

Release (March/2019)

The following changes have been made:

  • Allow Bandwidth Adjustment to be edited / constrained in DC.

Release (January/2019)

The following changes have been made:

  • Performance improvements

Release (September/2018)

The following changes have been made:

  • Handle error conditions better when SRS/IFIC has corruptions.
  • Removed 'one-click' from text on My Networks dialogs.
  • Widen the column for showing case counts in DC.
  • Filtering out of CtoIs when populating the cases list wasn’t working as expected in DC.
  • Ensure that all interfering ES are represented in downlink cases in DC,
  • Make first point in area analysis more obvious during creation phase.
  • Minor change to delete feedback for AA points.
  • Allow editing of Power Density in calculations pane in DC.
  • Show boresight location in calculations pane and allow it to be edited.

Release (August/2018)

The following changes have been made:

  • Fix potential memory issues in Slot Finder.
  • Issues importing networks in My Networks dialog in Slot Finder

Release (June/2018)

This was the first Release of the software.