Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym / AbbreviationDescription
3GPP3rd Generation Partnership Project
ABWAllocated Bandwidth
AMSAnnual Maintenance and Support
BWFBandwidth Factor
BSSBroadcast Satellite Service
CSVComma Separated Values
ECIEarth Centred Inertial
EIRPEquivalent Isotropic Radiated Power
EPFDEquivalent Power Flux Density
ETSIEuropean Telecommunications Standards Institute
FDRFrequency Dependent Rejection
FRFast Rolloff
FSFixed Service
FSSFixed Satellite Service
GPSGlobal Positioning System
GSOGeostationary Orbit
IDWMITU Digitised World Map
IPRIntellectual Property Rights
ITUInternational Telecommunications Union
NASANational Aeronautical and Space Administration
NFDNet Filter Discrimination
NGRNational Grid Reference
OBWOccupied Bandwidth
PFDPower Flux Density
PtPPoint to Point
SESSatellite Earth Stations
SNGSatellite News Gathering
TESTransportable Earth Station
TIATelecommunications Industry Association
TLETwo Line Element
TVROTelevision Receive Only
UWBUltra Wideband
VSATVery Small Aperture Terminals
WRCWorld Radiocommunications Conference