Gain patterns

ITU and ETSI Gain Patterns

The gain patterns in Visualyse Professional come from a number of sources including:

ITU-R Radio Regulations Appendix 7:App 7 Earth Station App 7 Fixed ServiceUseful for coordination analysis between satellite earth stations and terrestrial fixed service stations
ITU-R Radio Regulations Appendix 30: Provisions for all services and associated Plans and List for the broadcasting-satellite service in the frequency bands 11.7-12.2 GHz (in Region 3), 11.7-12.5 GHz (in Region 1) and 12.2-12.7 GHz (in Region 2)App 30 Earth Rx Reg 1 & 3 Comm App 30 Earth Rx Reg 1 & 3 Ind App 30 Earth Rx Reg 1 & 3 WRC-97 App 30 Earth Rx Reg 2 App 30 Satellite Tx Reg 1 & 3 App 30 Satellite Tx Reg 1 & 3 FR App 30 Satellite Tx Reg 2 App 30 Satellite Tx Reg 2 FR App 30 Space App 30 Space Fast roll-offUseful for studies of GSO satellite networks in the BSS plans FR = Fast Rolloff Comm = Commercial Ind = Industry Reg = Region
ITU-R Radio Regulations Appendix 30A: Provisions and associated Plans and List for feeder links for the broadcasting-satellite service (11.7-12.5 GHz in Region 1, 12.2-12.7 GHz in Region 2 and 11.7-12.2 GHz in Region 3) in the frequency bands 14.5-14.8 GHz2 and 17.3-18.1 GHz in Regions 1 and 3, and 17.3-17.8 GHz in Region 2App 30A Satellite Rx Reg 1 & 3 App 30A Satellite Rx Reg 1 & 3 FR App 30A Satellite Rx Reg 2 App 30A Satellite Rx Reg 2 FRUseful for studies of feeder links for BSS GSO satellite networks FR = Fast Rolloff Reg = Region
ITU-R Radio Regulations Appendix 30B: Provisions and associated Plan for the fixed-satellite service in the frequency bands 4 500-4 800 MHz, 6 725-7 025 MHz, 10.70-10.95 GHz, 11.20-11.45 GHz and 12.75-13.25 GHzApp 30B Earth Station A App 30B Earth Station B App 30B Space Station App 30B Space Station FRUseful for studies of GSO satellite networks in the FSS plans FR = Fast Rolloff
ETSI ETS 300 157: Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES);Receive-only Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSATs) operating in the 11/12 GHz frequency bandsETS 300-157 RxVSAT style satellite earth stations operating in RX mode
ETSI ETS 300 158 Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES);Television Receive Only (TVRO-FSS) Satellite Earth Stations operating in the 11/12 GHz FSS bandsETS 300-158 RxTVRO style satellite earth stations
ETSI ETS 300 159 Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES);Transmit-only or transmit-and-receive Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSATs) used for communications operating in the Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) 11/12/14 GHz frequency bandsETS 300-159 Rx ETS 300-159 Tx Spec 1 ETS 300-159 Tx Spec 2VSAT style satellite earth stations operating in TX or TX/RX modes
ETSI ETS 300 327 Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES);Satellite News Gathering (SNG) Transportable Earth Stations (TES) (13-14/11-12 GHz)ETS 300-327 Rx ETS 300-327 TxSNG/TES TX or RX satellite earth stations
ETSI ETS 300 332 Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES);Transmit-only or transmit-and-receive Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSATs) used for communications operating in the Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) 6 GHz and 4 GHz frequency bandsETS 300-332 Rx ETS 300-332 TxVSATs style satellite earth stations operating in C band
ETSI ETS 300 333 Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES);Receive-only Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSATs) operating in the 4 GHz frequency bandETS 300-333 RxRX only VSATs operating in C band
Recommendation ITU-R BO.1443: Reference BSS earth station antenna patterns for use in interference assessment involving non-GSO satellites in frequency bands covered by RR Appendix 30ITU-R BO.1443-1 ITU-R BO.1443-3Analysis of EPFD from non-GSO networks into BSS GSO satellite earth stations
Recommendation ITU-R F.1245: Mathematical model of average radiation patterns for line-of-sight point-to-point radio-relay system antennas for use in certain coordination studies and interference assessment in the frequency range from 1 to about 70 GHzITU-R F.1245 ITU-R F.1245-1 ITU-R F.1245-1 Annex 1 ITU-R F.1245-2 ITU-R F.1245-2 Annex 1 ITU-R F.1245-3 ITU-R F.1245-3 Annex 1For point to point FS links when aggregating interference from large numbers of transmitters
Recommendation ITU-R F.1336: Reference radiation patterns of omnidirectional, sectoral and other antennas in point-to-multipoint systems for use in sharing studies in the frequency range from 1 to about 70 GHzITU-R F.1336 (2.1.1) ITU-R F.1336 (2.1.2) ITU-R F.1336 (2.2) ITU-R F.1336 (4, NOTE 4) ITU-R F.1336-1 (k=0) ITU-R F.1336-1 (k=0.1) ITU-R F.1336-1 (k=0.2) ITU-R F.1336-1 (k=0.7) ITU-R F.1336-2 (2.1) [k=0] ITU-R F.1336-2 (2.1) [k=0.1] ITU-R F.1336-2 (2.1) [k=0.2] ITU-R F.1336-2 (2.1) [k=0.7] ITU-R F.1336-2 (2.2) [k=0] ITU-R F.1336-2 (2.2) [k=0.1] ITU-R F.1336-2 (2.2) [k=0.2] ITU-R F.1336-2 (2.2) [k=0.7] ITU-R F.1336-5 Rec 2.1 ITU-R F.1336-5 Rec 2.2 ITU-R F.1336-5 Rec 3.1.1 ITU-R F.1336-5 Rec 3.1.2 ITU-R F.1336-5 Rec 3.2 ITU-R F.1336-5 Rec 4 ITU-R F.1336-5 Annex 4For point to multi-point fixed or mobile base stations. Sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 model azimuth symmetric patterns using patterns that are symmetric around the boresight, so should be orientated by setting antenna elevation = 90 degrees. Patterns with defined k value are for sectors with fixed beamwidth of 120° and are not elevation dependent
Recommendation ITU-R F.699: Reference radiation patterns for fixed wireless system antennas for use in coordination studies and interference assessment in the frequency range from 100 MHz to about 70 GHzITU-R F.699-2 ITU-R F.699-2R ITU-R F.699-3 ITU-R F.699-3R ITU-R F.699-5 ITU-R F.699-6 ITU-R F.699-7 ITU-R F.699-8For point to point FS links. The “R” versions had reduced side-lobe. Has been used for other scenarios – e.g. to model symmetric radar antennas
Recommendation ITU-R S.580: Radiation diagrams for use as design objectives for antennas of earth stations operating with geostationary satellitesITU-R Rec. S.580-6 ITU-R S.580-6 (APL)For satellite earth stations – slightly better than pattern in Rec. S.465 as assumes 29-25log(phi) rolloff
Recommendation ITU-R S.465: Reference earth-station radiation pattern for use in coordination and interference assessment in the frequency range from 2 to about 30 GHzITU-R S.465-5 ITU-R S.465-5 prior to 1993 ITU-R S.465-5 (APL) ITU-R S.465-6 Rx ITU-R S.465-6 TxFor satellite earth stations – slightly worse than pattern in Rec. S.580 as assumes 32-25log(phi) rolloff
Recommendation ITU-R S.672: Satellite antenna radiation pattern for use as a design objective in the fixed satellite service employing geostationary satellitesITU-R S.672-3 Annex 1 Ls = -10 ITU-R S.672-3 Annex 1 Ls = -20 ITU-R S.672-3 Annex 1 Ls = -25 ITU-R S.672-3 Annex 1 Ls = -30 ITU-R S.672-3 Ln = -20 ITU-R S.672-3 Ln = -25 ITU-R S.672-3 Ln = -30 ITU-R S.672-4 Annex 1 Ls = -10 ITU-R S.672-4 Annex 1 Ls = -20 ITU-R S.672-4 Annex 1 Ls = -25 ITU-R S.672-4 Annex 1 Ls = -30 ITU-R S.672-4 Ln = -20 ITU-R S.672-4 Ln = -25Generally useful for satellites with symmetric gain patterns A range of side-lobes are given: note the Ls = -10 relates to patterns defined in Article 22.2 of the Radio Regulations
Recommendation ITU-R S. 1328: Satellite system characteristics to be considered in frequency sharing analyses within the fixed-satellite serviceITU-R S.1328 USAKUL1Defines the gain pattern for SkyBridge. Should be used with electronically steered beams with footprint size of 450 km
Recommendation ITU-R S.1428: Reference FSS earth-station radiation patterns for use in interference assessment involving non-GSO satellites in frequency bands between 10.7 GHz and 30 GHzITU-R S.1428 ITU-R S.1428-1Analysis of EPFD from non-GSO networks into FSS GSO satellite earth stations
Recommendation ITU-R S. 1528: Satellite antenna radiation patterns for non-geostationary orbit satellite antennas operating in the fixed-satellite service below 30 GHzITU-R S. 1528: LN = -15 ITU-R S. 1528: LN = -20 ITU-R S. 1528: LN = -25 ITU-R S. 1528: LN = -30Similar to Rec. ITU-R S.672 but for non-GSO satellites. Includes elliptical beam terms
Recommendation ITU-R RS.1813: Reference antenna pattern for passive sensors operating in the Earth exploration-satellite service (passive) to be used in compatibility analyses in the frequency range 1.4-100 GHzITU-R RS.1813 (Recommends 1) ITU-R RS.1813 (Recommends 2)Analysis of interference into Earth exploration-satellite’s passive sensors
ITU-R Radio Regulations Resolution 221: Use of high altitude platform stations providing IMT in the bands 1 885-1 980 MHz, 2 010-2 025 MHz and 2 110-2 170 MHz in Regions 1 and 3 and 1 885-1 980 MHz and 2 110-2 160 MHz in Region 2Resolution 221: LN = -25 Resolution 221: LN = -26 Resolution 221: LN = -28 Resolution 221: LN = -30 Resolution 221: LN = -32Analysis sharing between high altitude platform stations (HAPS) and other radio systems
Recommendation ITU-R F.1891: “Technical and operational characteristics of gateway links in the fixed service using high altitude platform stations in the band 5 850-7 075 MHz to be used in sharing studies”ITU-R F.1891: LN = -25Analysis sharing between high altitude platform stations (HAPS) and other radio systems
Recommendation ITU-R M.2101: “Modelling and simulation of IMT networks and systems for use in sharing and compatibility studies” using parameters from document 5D/TEMP/265R3 Options for the non-co-frequency gain pattern are discussed in Annex 1 to Document 5-1/287-EIMT-MODEL BS Indoor IMT-MODEL BS Suburban IMT-MODEL BS Urban Outdoor IMT-MODEL UE Indoor IMT-MODEL UE Suburban IMT-MODEL UE Urban OutdoorSharing scenarios involving IMT-2020 / 5G systems See notes below on use of this gain pattern
Annex 15 to Document 5A/650-E: PDNR ITU-R M.[MS-RXCHAR-28] Receiver characteristics and protection criteria for systems (excluding IMT) in the mobile service in the frequency range 27.5-29.5 GHz for use in sharing and compatibility studies with earth stations in motion operating in geostationary FSS networks and with applications under the fixed service Options for the non-co-frequency gain pattern are discussed in Annex 1 to Document 5-1/287-EIMT-MODEL 28 GHz BS IMT-MODEL 28 GHz UE A IMT-MODEL 28 GHz UE BSharing scenarios involving IMT-2020 / 5G systems See notes below on use of this gain pattern
Recommendation ITU-R M.1851 "Mathematical models for radiodetermination radar systems antenna patterns for use in interference analysesITU-R M.1851 (COS Average) ITU-R M.1851 (COS Peak) ITU-R M.1851 (COS) ITU-R M.1851 (COS2 Average) ITU-R M.1851 (COS2 Peak) ITU-R M.1851 (COS2) ITU-R M.1851 (COS3 Average) ITU-R M.1851 (COS3 Peak) ITU-R M.1851 (COS3) ITU-R M.1851 (SIN Average) ITU-R M.1851 (SIN Peak) ITU-R M.1851 (SIN)For sharing scenarios involving radar systems with pencil beams. See Tables 2, 3 and 5 in Annex 1 of Rec. M.1851 for definition of these patterns
Recommendation ITU-R M.2101: “Modelling and simulation of IMT networks and systems for use in sharing and compatibility studiesITU-R M.2101Sharing scenarios involving IMT-2020 / 5G systems

Table 1: References for ITU-R and ETSI Visualyse Professional Gain Patterns

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Some patterns are not defined for the full range of offaxis angles. For example ITU-R Rec.S.465 does not define the pattern for offaxis angles less than 1°: in this case it is assumed to be parabolic until reaching the first side-lobe, i.e.

Variations for Recommendation S.465 and S.580 gain patterns extend the pattern using the methodology in the ITU’s Antenna Pattern Library (APL).

Note on the IMT-MODEL Gain Patterns

In order to activate the beamforming of these gain patterns, the antenna type, station and link options should be:

  • Antenna type: ensure “Electronically steerable” is checked
  • Station antenna pointing:
    • For the BS: set fixed pointing angles
    • For the UEs: point at another station (the BS) using random offsets of azimuth = {-60, +60}, elevation = {-90, +90}
  • Link: either a Fixed or Dynamic link from the BS to the UE (or vice versa) to activate the antenna pointing. Note that a transmit or receive link cannot be used

The BS antenna azimuth could also be defined via the Monte Carlo service area Define Variable.

The parameters used to configure this gain pattern take account of the frequency, typically defined in the link.

Note on the IMT-MODEL Non-Co-Frequency Gain Pattern

For antenna types defined by the IMT-MODEL patterns, there are options to select how the gain pattern changes for non-co-frequency interference paths.

The following options are available from the Advanced Beam Options dialog:

  • Use co-frequency pattern: the M.2101 pattern is used with D/lambda = 0.5 for both co-frequency and non-co-frequency scenarios
  • Single element pattern: the M.2101 single element pattern is used if the victim centre frequency is non-co-frequency
  • Assume D/lambda = 0.46: in the M.2101 gain pattern a D/lambda of 0.46 is used rather than 0.5
  • Variable D/lambda: it is assumed that at the centre frequency supplied the D/lambda = 0.5, and so for other frequencies the D is derived and fixed but the lambda varies depending upon the victim frequency

The definition of what constitutes “co-frequency” and what “non-co-frequency” for the IMT-MODEL gain pattern is set via:

  • Centre Frequency: this is the centre frequency that the IMT-MODEL antenna has been tuned to
  • Co-Frequency Bandwidth: this is the total bandwidth that is defined as being co-frequency in range:
    • Minimum = CentreFrequency – CoFrequencyBandwidth./2
    • Maximum = CentreFrequency + CoFrequencyBandwidth./2

Outside this frequency range the interference path is assumed to be non-co-frequency.

To activate these non-co-frequency gain patterns it is necessary to set the Interference Path option:

  • Calculate Interfering Signal using Victim Frequency = true

This will use the victim centre frequency when calculating the interfering signal and hence allow the antenna type to identify if the path is co-frequency (to the IMT-MODEL antenna) or non-co-frequency. It will not affect other calculations, in particular the mask integration adjustment or NFD.

Additional Gain Patterns

Other useful gain patterns are:

These are specified in the sections below.


This is the theoretical model for antenna performance, and is given below.



Capped Bessel

The capped Bessel follows the Bessel for the main beam, and then for the side-lobes it connects the peaks.


The following pattern is used:


Note this assumes that the peak gain is set to .


The following pattern is used:


Note this assumes that the peak gain is set to .

GPS User

The following pattern is used from ITU-R document 8D/142 from October 1998:


Note this assumes that the peak gain is set to .


This algorithm is used so that the offaxis angle can be determined from the offaxis gain. The equation is:

Omni Directional

This gives the same value in all directions and is hence essentially isotropic. The peak gain is set by default to 0 dB, but can be any user entered value.


This pattern is parabolic with floor defined. The equation is:

The is input by the user. A typical value is .


The calculation is the same as the Bessel Function, but replacing the call to Bessel by sin.

Archived Gain Patterns

The following gain patterns are included in Visualyse Professional Version 7 for reasons of backward compatibility:

  • Appendix 29 Earth Station
  • Analytic ES
  • Analytic NGSO
  • Cosine
  • FSATMULTI_1A Earth Station
  • Sine
  • SkyBridge RX Type A
  • SkyBridge TX Type A
  • TVRO
  • Teledesic 2 - RX
  • Teledesic 2 - RX fixed BW
  • Teledesic 2 - TX
  • Teledesic 2 - TX fixed BW
  • Teledesic Type A
  • Teledesic Type B
  • Teledesic Type C

More information is available on request.