
Visualyse GSO V3 is a collection of software tools that control and guide the process of coordination between geostationary satellite networks that share the same frequency bands. The coordination process is split into two parts:

  1. Determine which systems you need to coordinate with

  2. Undertake interference analysis to support the detailed coordination process

The number of networks that are submitted to the ITU bi-weekly complicates the first part. New networks are published once every two weeks in a database known as the International Frequency Information Circular (IFIC), which replaced the paper and microfiche formats of the Weekly Circular (WIC) and Special Sections with effect from 1 January 2000.

Visualyse GSO V3 works seamlessly with these databases, automatically flagging filed networks that may need to be coordinated. This removes a large amount of the work needed to screen the publications.

The coordination triggers used are based on worst case ΔT/T calculations and coordination arc definitions. Both or either measure can, in certain situations, trigger detailed coordination.

Further analysis is performed in terms of C/I ratios. C/Is are calculated and compared to a threshold value - the resulting margin is displayed and the C/I calculation can be inspected in detail.