
Welcome to the Visualyse Professional User Guide

Visualyse Professional is a software tool that allows you to simulate a wide range of radiocommunication systems, and the potential interference levels between them. This User Guide provides all the information you need to operate the software.

In other documents you will find the User Guide for the add-on Modules, a Tutorial, a Technical Annex giving background to the calculations, and a description of each of the example files.

Our assumptions about you, the User are that you are an engineer of some kind and that your understanding of radio systems and interference issues is good. We assume that you are mainly looking for guidance on the operation of the software.

Therefore the main aim of this Guide is to show you how to map your real world understanding onto the abstract models and concepts in Visualyse. This is relatively easy to do as the concepts and models in Visualyse are based on our analysis of the real world of radiocommunications, and we anticipate significant overlap between our world and yours.

We recommend that you read at least the overview section thoroughly. Other sections of this User Guide can be used as reference books when you are building and editing your simulations. If you are a typical user you will be able to make some good progress by experimenting with the software itself – perhaps after having followed the Tutorial.

This section of the User Guide gives an overview of the software. It explains at a high level what the software can do and also serves as a road map to rest of the guides.

Other sources of information include:

  • The example files shipped with the software, plus the document describing them

  • Telephone technical support (if you have a current Annual Maintenance and Support contract)

  • Web site:

  • User group newsletter – issued periodically to everyone with an Annual Maintenance and Support Contract

  • Training courses – by arrangement with the Transfinite Systems