View Properties

Visualyse Professional includes a number of different types of View Window accessible from the Window menu or from the toolbar icon shown:

Plate Carrée view Plate Carrée view – a plane projection view of the simulation

Mercator view Mercator view - a plane projection view of the simulation

3D view 3D view – an orthomorphic perspective projection view of the simulation from a point in space

Model view Model view – a hierarchical view of the objects in the current simulation

Watch window Watch window – select a number of variables to ‘watch’ in a window

Table view Table view – displays multiple parameters across multiple objects, e.g. look at the I/N of all victim Links within a Link Group

Terrain profile Terrain profile

Frequency view Frequency view

Each of the different types of view window can be customised in various ways. This section looks at the properties of each of the views.